Entity 17-ID - "Tarso Rahaga"
penilaian: 0+x

One of the known Tarso Rahaga posing with its arms crossed behind its back. Photographed 2 hours after the Reconstruction phenomenon.

Entity Number: Entity 17-ID
Habitat: Settled and become endemic entity in Level 22-ID.


Tarso Rahaga is the term used to collectively refer to all the anomalous storefront torso mannequins within. The Tarso Rahaga is a 190cm tall humanoid entity that encompasses the entire torso mannequin statue, a living tarso mannequin that can be found spread across the Level 22-ID landscape. Tarso Rahaga have a limited life cycle, only as long as they are manifested within the level when the Reconstruct Scenario phenomenon occurs which is approximately 23-24 hours in duration. Tarso Rahaga generally wear randomly modeled clothing that seems to be firmly applied to the entity's body through unknown means, the type of clothing being customized according to the gender of the mannequin present. This trait fluctuates with each mannequin over the course of a week, before the outfit changes once simultaneously during the course of the phenomenon. Usually, the Tarso Rahaga will return to a "stable" state with the same pose to transform back into the mannequin form when the post-phenomenon period is over. The pose that Tarso Rahaga performs is monotonous, with the pose standing straight while the front of the body is facing towards the west or south side of the level. However, there are several reports and photographic evidence claiming to have found several Tarso Rahaga individuals in a stable condition, posing in a rigid pattern at several separate Level 22-ID points.


Tarso Rahaga have an absolute trait called the "Humanist-22 Anomaly" trait, where every time the Reconstruction Scenario takes place, all Tarso Rahaga will live and put their characteristics into a human-like state. Throughout the phenomenon, they only continued to wander throughout the landscape without doing any other activities that were normal activities for ordinary humans in the store. The Tarso Rahaga are usually friendly and welcoming to the survivors, some of them are occasionally seen approaching the survivors in an attempt to communicate using untranslatable sign language.


Tarso Rahaga can be described as a complete humanoid physiological torso mannequin without a head. Through simple density and viscose measurement methods, it shows the composition and chemical structure of the indestructible solid fiberglass material composition, as well as the match of the cellulose material in the clothing worn by the entity with the similar silk thread in the Frontrooms. The height from the sole of the foot to the neck measures 190cm, the arm span is 72 cm and the overall weight is 20 kg. Tarso Rahaga has a complex system of locomotor organs and musculoskeletal joints to support them to walk and interact between fellow entities and survivors.

Do's and Don'ts


Act naturally. If you are approached by this entity, interact with it as much as you can until it leaves.


Injuring or harming the entity's body. Although the entities are self-sufficient and there are no negative impacts resulting from the destruction, survivors are encouraged to remain vigilant due to the large number of entities and the substantial nature of each individual that has not been concretized and validated.

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