Entity 22-ID - "Tumbal"
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Entity Number: 22-ID

Habitat: Level 41-ID


Entity 22-ID or more commonly called a "Tumbal" is a human-like figure whose body is either covered or made entirely of cement1. The body parts that survivors have generally seen so far are their hands and sometimes their heads as well. The rest of their body seems to be inside a cement wall.

The Tumbal is able to move forward and backward even though it seems to be stuck in the wall. Observations can only be made from a distance given their behavior. So it is unknown how they are able to move and pull their victims into the wall. The current theory is that they use some sort of noclip method.

Despite their ability to move on walls, Tumbals do not try to change positions. they are usually found in groups because of this. It is unknown what happens inside the walls, but after one Tumbal captures a survivor, it is possible for new hands to appear nearby. This is often encountered if the captured survivors travel in groups.


The Tumbals do not move at all if there is no trigger based on observations so far. They will only move if there are survivors within their capture range.

Tumbals are also known to live in groups because even if there are only one or two Tumbal hands visible on the wall, if they catch a survivor, other hands will emerge from inside the wall to pull the survivor into the wall.


One of the reasons for the uncertainty of Tumbal's biology is that their bodies (in this case their hands) are extremely hard. So far, survivors have not managed to destroy any part of their bodies.

Tumbal can (but rarely does) pop out half its head. Its expression is always that of screaming. The inside of their mouths are coated in cement as well. Despite this appearance, they are never heard making a sound.


They were first discovered in their native habitat, Level 41-ID. A group of survivors found a hand on the wall and one of them tried to observe it closely. He was dragged into the wall quickly. The rest of the group who saw this made it out of Level 41-ID and told of the entity.

Initially, they were considered rare entities due to their minimal discovery reports. It was only after the third discovery that the cause was discovered. A group of survivors reported seeing a number of Tumbal infestation locations while on Level-41. They also reported that they had been chased twice by the level's local group, the Para Kuli. They reported that a group of Para Kuli members had been on standby near the Tumbal infestation locations and had chased them on sight.

After the report became widespread. More survivor groups began to encounter Tumbal frequently in the level. As reported, a group of Para Kuli were often nearby.

Additional Information:

It is clear that the Para Kuli have a special relationship with Tumbal. They would capture and sacrifice any survivors they came across and sacrifice them to them.

They feel that Tumbals exist for a specific purpose relating to 'fixing' the Backroom. They theorize that the more Tumbals in a location, the more stable that location will be. It's obviously a risky theory, but they do it anyway.

Do's and Dont's:


  • Avoid them as far as possible if they are visible. The extent of a hidden Tumbal infestation on a single wall is unknown.
  • Try not to be too visible too if you find Tumbals. Groups of Para Kuli may be hiding near them and may see you.
    • Run away if spotted.


  • Approach the hands on the wall, wherever they may be.

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