Entity 29-ID - "Manstria"
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Title: Entity 29-ID — "Manstria"
Author: lemmelemme
Release: 2022
Translator: lemmelemme

Made when bored. Access this link if you want to see how Manstria looked like. Kudos to the artist!

Pic used:
Hallway: by Matt Dempsey https://flic.kr/p/6jUcSC (entity by me)
All Manstria illustration by me.


Entity 29-ID spotted on sector K.

Entity Number: 29-ID

Habitat: Level 29-ID, Majority


The 29-ID Entity also known as "Manstria" is the name for a group of entities that have the form of an amorphous mass of flesh, are extremely strong and resilient, and extremely vicious. These entities show no fear of anything and are capable of regenerating injuries at high speed.


Manstria are known to be entities that are particularly great at trapping survivors, they are also known to be highly intelligent and quick to learn new things they experience. They are even capable of understanding languages and mimicking them to confuse survivors. They are also known to have developed an elaborate communication system throughout Level 29-ID to share information on the whereabouts of survivors who have entered Level 29-ID.

Manstria dislike Almond Water as it can disrupt and damage their body structure, the use of almond water to repel manstria is highly recommended. Manstrians love Cashew Water as it can give them additional energy and strengthen their body structure.


Broadly speaking, Manstria's body consists of only two parts, the core and the placenta. The core acts like the heart and brain which if destroyed can bring death to this entity. The placenta acts as the body but with more flexibility. The placenta is produced by the core, so as long as the core is still active, the placenta will continue to regenerate. The position of the nucleus is very hard to tell as its position is always random and encased in a thick layer of placenta.

Manstria lack the various components of other living things such as organs, blood vessels, and nervous systems. Their placenta can transform into various organs such as the digestive system, circulatory system, nervous system, and skeletal system as needed. The interesting thing about the placenta is that there are several lines that resemble fibers or vessels and appear to pulsate, by observing this pulsation you can estimate the location of the core of this entity. However, this activity is not recommended as the lines are difficult to see and need to be viewed at close range.

By utilizing its elastic placentas, Manstria can change its shape into whatever it wants (amorphic) and its shape-shifting forms are thought to be unlimited, but usually only according to the size and number of placentas it has. These shape changes include the shape of living creatures to the shape of large objects around it, but this entity will not be able to imitate the shape of objects smaller than itself. This shape-shifting is done to make it easier to trap its prey.

They have very sharp senses, but when hiding, they rely more on their sense of vibration than any other sense. This is believed to be because they do not want to spoil their disguise by displaying eyes or ears.

Since the placenta is amorphous, Manstria can produce tendril-like organs that can lengthen and shorten as they wish. The maximum length of these tendrils is estimated to be three times the size of the body, but other opinions say that the maximum length depends on how many placentas it has. Typically, these tendrils are produced to catch, grip, or even whip a target. These tendrils, when combined with knife-shaped bones, make for a very deadly weapon. The bones can also be used as armor to protect the core or as a shell that protects the entire body from physical attacks and almon water, this is what makes Manstria difficult to kill. Also, a placenta that has become a bone structure cannot be turned back into a placenta.

The interesting thing about the Manstria placenta is that its texture resembles beef and is not poisonous if consumed, so using Manstria placenta as a food source is something to consider if you run out of food. This type of placenta can be obtained from placenta walls scattered throughout Level 29-ID.

Additional Information

Originally discovered by Survivor "Rizu" at the same time that he discovered Level 29-ID. Rizu researched them as well as looking for a way out, the contents of the research on Manstria can now be found in his personal room within the level. Rizu has collected a lot of data on these entities including the various variations in physical form that she discovered.

Manstria has a variety of physical forms even though it is actually capable of changing into any form, this diversity is thought to be due to variations in the way it hunts prey. Rizu has collected several different forms of Manstria during his time at Level 29-ID.

EM-BIO Tipe 001 (Trickster)


Trickster Illustration (Vent).

A common type, varying in size. This type always hides in strategic places such as doors, vents, or even mimics objects.

Doors: If you see a door with red markings (such as a thin layer of reddish flesh or red stains) or the door feels very warm when you touch it, there is a 100% chance that there is a Manstria behind it. Do not open the door and walk away quietly.
Vents: Vents are very rare on this Level, if you see one then don't ignore it and immediately take another direction. Manstria is most likely hiding in it and will attack you.
Walls: Easy to spot as it will make a large bulge in the wall. Throw something at it and it will slam itself into another wall in front of it, then you can run past it.
Furniture: Very common and hides around furniture, walk very slowly if you find suspicious items. They can't mimic objects well especially reflective materials like metal or glass, so you need to observe every piece of furniture you see.

This type will not chase for a long distance, the distance can vary but usually around 10~15m from first contact. So, if you get out of their range, they will return to their original place.

EM-BIO Tipe 002 (Food Source)

Usually Manstria hide to trap survivors, but there are also other types of Manstria that don't hide and just stick to the wall. If you see a flesh-like object stuck to the wall, is probably the Food Source type. Surprisingly, this type is docile and will not attack, the reason behind this is still unknown. Their placenta will grow over time so you can harvest them as a food source. Don't mistake them for Red Terminals as Red Terminals are gaps in the wall whereas Food Source types are not. Also, if you throw something at it and it doesn't respond, it's definitely a Food Source type.

EM-BIO Tipe 003 (Wire)

A type of Manstria that resides inside walls and does nothing if exposed, they work as "wires" in the MNS. It is recommended not to harm any of them or the MNS will be damaged and make the Manstria in the area become vicious and target you.

EM-BIO Tipe 004 (Animaloid)

Takes the form of a four-legged animal. Very fast, no less vicious, and live in packs. If they come after you, protect yourself with Almond Water.

Do's and Don'ts:


  • Be calm and walk slowly at Level 29-ID, they hide around you.
  • Throw pebbles or small objects at suspicious objects from afar, they will reveal themselves.
  • Run immediately if you find a Manstria that isn't hiding.
  • While you're running, keep in mind that you shouldn't make too much noise or bump into things. Liquid Silence will help a lot.
  • Make sure you've brought protection gear, to increase your chances of survival as you flee.
  • If you get caught in a placental tendril, use a knife to cut the tendril. Or you can flush it with Almond Water to damage the placenta so you can escape.
  • Make sure you have a spear in hand to attack them and to keep some distance between you and them, though contact with them is very risky.
  • Don't rely too much on Level 29-ID: Pocket Survival Guide, because the situation in Level 29-ID can be different. There's no telling what new tactics the Manstrians have developed to trap you.


  • Challenging them.
  • Making noise and doing stupid things.
  • Bring Cashew Water with you, they are very easily attracted to it (especially the scent).

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