Entity Number: Entity 3-ID
Habitat: N/A—Isolated

Entity 3-ID in the care of a survivor.
The Entity 3-ID are shiny black amorphous entities that look like metallic amoebas although some of them are completely black in color that does not reflect light. They are known by various names from the survivors, such as: Black Slime, Dimensional Devourer, Stranded Void, Walking Asphalt, etc. They were once targeted for hunting because of their "cuteness" before this was strongly condemned by the majority of survivors.
Entity 3-ID are usually found living in groups, they have a social behaviour and can live in colonies by forming large clumps made up of all individual Entity 3-ID fused together. Entity 3-ID will no-clip if they feel threatened and there are no reports of them attempting to strike back, they will also flee if they see another entity trying to attack them but will try to interact with anything they do not consider dangerous. Entity 3-ID are also known to be both shy and curious, they will observe something that catches their attention and then try to interact with it.
Entity 3-ID are known to be friendly and docile to humans, as seen by how they will welcome and gather near survivors who approach them. Entity 3-ID are very playful and will consume anything that survivors give them—making them considered not much different from a normal pet. However, they will run away if they feel threatened and will leave for some time before returning to their previous location. Since Entity 3-ID are easy to tame and tend to be loyal, many survivors try to keep them as pets.
Entity 3-ID come in various sizes from as small as an orange fruit to as large as a basketball. It is unknown what the bodies of Entity 3-ID are made of and what their texture is because they cannot be touched, they can penetrate anything in their way including penetrating the human body without the human realizing it, they can also levitate or dive through the floor at will, which is why they got the nickname "Stranded Void" because they are like a living "crack to the void" and can go anywhere. However, Entity 3-ID can still physically interact with objects, although survivors will still not be able to touch them while they are touching something. Entity 3-ID will devour anything given to them and the gift will simply disappear inside their body, they are known to not need rest and will continue to be active all the time.
Entity 3-ID are thought to have existed in Backrooms for a long time but were only discovered recently when human colonies expanded and accidentally interacted with them. Initially they were quite wary as they were thought to be a threat, after the survivor's attempted interaction, they were then targeted as pet entities due to their behavior which turned out to be docile and non-hostile, however, the activity to keep them as pet entities was eventually discouraged after their anomalous properties were discovered.
Additional Information
Their presence is a sign of danger to survivors—they are a sign that an area is non-Euclidian or that there is a danger of spatial distortion in the area, so survivors are advised to move away from the area immediately if they find them there. These entities seem to be attracted by "reality damage" and will swarm to the surrounding area until the source of the damage disappears on its own. It is not known whether they repair the damage or just simply hang out together, but it is certain that they are not affected by space distortion disturbances. Using them as a non-Euclidean mark is recommended, but bringing them home is not, as it will confuse other survivors.
Another point to keep in mind is that when the anomalous property of Entity 3-ID is active, they have an anomalous property similar to Phenomenon 29-ID in that they are able to produce unusual structures in the area they occupy. Although not as severe as Phenomenon 29-ID, they are still something to watch out for because whatever they touch will be completely changed from what it should be, such as being able to change material A into material B just by touching. This makes them extremely dangerous to humans as these entities can easily penetrate the survivor's body without the survivor realizing it. If they gathered in a large group, they would be able to produce a blob structure similar in composition to the pillar structure of Phenomenon 29-ID. Anomalous properties can activate either intentionally or unintentionally, anything can make these properties activate on their own so being close to them can be dangerous.
The anomalous properties and their true nature were originally discovered from an email sent to a survivor group in Backrooms, at first the email seemed suspicious and unbelievable, but after following the information in the email for verification, the information in the email turned out to be true. The group then spread the information to other survivor groups and then quickly spread to various colonies in the Backrooms, initially there were many people who did not believe it but finally after direct proof and there were casualties, the activity of making Entity 3-ID into domesticated entities quickly decreased drastically.
Do's and Don'ts:
- The best option to do with them is to stay away from them, leaving or baiting them with food should be avoided as it will make them continue to follow you.
- Survivors who have already kept them should return these entities to their place of origin or take them to the non-Euclidian area and leave them there.
- Make them as a mark for the existence of non-Euclidian areas.