Entity 4-ID - "Mud Man"
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Title: Entity 4-ID - "Mud Man"
Author: lemmelemme
Release: 2024

Entity Number: 4-ID

Habitat: Majority (Muddy soil)


Mud Man is the name given to any clump of mud that forms the shape of a 1.8 — 2 meter tall pillar, this clump is capable of moving on its own and will approach any survivors it encounters. Mud Man can be encountered in areas that have muddy, waterlogged ground such as swamps or culverts, but this entity is not guaranteed to appear in these locations so its appearance is quite rare. Aside from its pillar-like form made of piles of mud and other materials that are carried along with it, Mud Man can also be recognized by its distinctive sound, which is like a combination of the sound of heavy breathing and the sound of objects being dragged over wet mud. This entity moves quite slowly and will leave a long trail of mud behind it so that anyone can easily avoid its presence.


Mud Man will always try to catch every living creature they encounter, once the victim is caught then they will swallow the victim's body completely and then Mud Man will disintegrate into a mud puddle afterwards — the victim who has been swallowed is unknown where it went. Not only human targets, Mud Man will also target other entities so they can be categorized as predatory entities. The Mud Man will always swallow any prey it comes across, but its body will be instantly destroyed if it swallows prey that is half the size of its body or larger. These entities will actively move around in search of prey no matter how far away they are from the mud puddle they first appear in, but they will avoid areas that are very dry or too wet as this can destroy their bodies. Mud Man is known to lack the intelligence to enable them to avoid traps or solve problems - they can even be avoided by simple means. The Mud Man also only dare to target lone targets and will retreat if the target appears in a group, they will also retreat if the target has a body size larger than theirs even if the target is alone.


As the name implies, the entire body of this entity is made of solid mud that is somehow so sticky that it can make it difficult for victims to escape when caught, they will even form arms to wrap around targets that have been caught. Destroying the body of the Mud Man can be done by smashing a large object against it, a strong enough attack will shatter the body of the Mud Man into a normal blob of mud, however, if it is not strong enough then the object will just stick to it. It is not known how Mud Man is able to move or navigate due to its mud body composition, but they are able to find targets that are hiding as if they can see everything around them. While they may seem like aggressive hunters, they will not chase targets that are too far away from them and will move elsewhere. The body of the Mud Man will also slowly shrink as the mud that makes up its body will turn into a trail of mud that is left behind its body, hence this entity will perish on its own after moving far enough away from its initial location of appearance.

Do's and Don'ts:


  • The safest way is to move away and take a detour — especially if the Mud Man is bigger than you. Don't let this entity block your only way out or you'll be trapped.
  • If environmental conditions allow, trick them by taking advantage of your surroundings such as utilizing holes in the floor, branching hallways, height differences, using doorways, and so on.
  • If there is a large object near you — such as a chair. Attack by using the large object as a weapon, do it quickly and powerfully to knock it down and then quickly move past it.
  • Move in groups because Mud Man will retreat if there is a group of people — especially if all of them are carrying weapons.
  • Torches with large flames can dispel the Mud Man, but this is not recommended as the flames can harm you as well.


  • Trying to attack it without carrying a weapon.
  • Trying to step on it after knocking it down, Mud Man can still catch and swallow you by pulling you into the floor.

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