Entity 6-ID - "Corner Folk"
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Title: Entity 6-ID - "Corner Folk"
Author: lemmelemme
Release: 2024

Entity Number: 6-ID

Habitat: Architectur, Isolated


Corner Folk are small passive entities that can be found in the corners of rooms that are illuminated, they spend their time entirely stuck in a corner doing nothing all the time. They can only be found in architectural structures that are out of reach of humans and other entities. Their tendency to live in isolation from other living beings makes their sightings quite rare, and their chosen corner location is known to be the farthest corner from the nearest floor surface. They will make a mouse-like squeaking sound if they feel threatened, so survivors should move away immediately if they hear this sound or they will attack the survivor.


As per the description, they are passive entities that do not threaten anyone, in fact they are also known as timid entities as they always avoid contact with other living beings. They usually live solitary lives though in rare cases will live in groups that have never been seen consisting of more than five individuals. It has never been heard of Corner Folk ever attacking anyone or anything out of the blue, they are only known to attack if they feel threatened and then immediately leave the location after attacking whatever has threatened them. They are very easy to feel threatened, even standing about five to seven meters away from them will put them in a ready position to attack.


The Corner Folk has a hexagonal body shape of varying sizes, but its diameter is usually no larger than half a meter. Its body is divided into two parts, the outer side that faces the room and the inner side that is inside the curve of the corner of the room. The outer side is a thick layer of plain cream-colored skin with fine poisonous hairs, the color of this skin will change to full patterns if the Corner Folk feels threatened — this outer side will also inflate like a balloon. The inner side is six jointed arms with suckers at the ends for attaching to corner surfaces, and in the center is a human-like mouth without lips to produce sounds.

It is not known what they eat and what their life cycle is as they mostly spend their time in the corner of the room or go to other places by crawling on the ceiling. It is also unknown how they are able to detect the presence of a person coming into their “range” as their sight and hearing organs are not visible. In addition, they are able to launch themselves at the threatener quickly with a mechanism that is thought to use compressed air expelled from their mouths. They will target the target's head to immobilize the target quickly as their venom on the outer side of the body is capable of temporarily paralyzing the target. Their venom is not dangerous because it will only make the entire body of the survivor (adult) numb and immobilized, the effects of this poison will also disappear after almost an hour. In the same way that they launch themselves into the air, they will go to another place they feel safe after contact with the threatener occurs.

Additional Information:

Some unscrupulous survivors are known to hunt and attack the Corner Folk deliberately, wearing protective helmets and thick clothing they are able to block the Corner Folk's self-protection efforts and capture them easily. As a result, they were able to remove all the poisonous fur and process the entities' bodies as raw materials for protective clothing as their skin was quite elastic and thick yet comfortable to wear. This hunting operation is quite difficult to track and stop, hence the existence of Corner Folk in their processed state can still be found in various locations in the Backrooms.

Do's and Don'ts


  • Ignore and avoid them, give them “privacy”.
  • Always keep an eye on the corners of the ceiling, you might accidentally get too close to them — if you don't hear their noises.
  • Stop those who are hunting them if you can, these innocent entities don't deserve to live under constant threat.


  • Harassing or hurting them, such as shooting or throwing objects on them.
  • Deliberately getting close enough to them just to scare them.

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