Immersed in a timeless world, as the mortal physicality unravels … humanity has become isolated in a liminal void that stretches beyond measure. It is therefore only natural for us to be kind to this strange universe.
This place, is the punishment meted out to mankind; it is the best of real rebukes. The hope of mankind to live in peace cannot be realized, if we do not act in good faith. Archiving is one form of such good faith, which is thus applied to the case of this entry.
In this vast universe, many cares are still being carved out. From that care as for example, a group of people who dedicate their lives to wandering with a concrete purpose, finding isolated levels, and archiving them into a database with the noble purpose and hope that the survivors will have hope to stay alive in this harsh world.
Perhaps on this day, dozens, or even hundreds of human beings are experiencing no-clip in their homes that were full of harmony in the past. Perhaps, many of the survivors at this moment also feel the suffering that cannot be told to anyone. Based on such matters, the morality of mankind has become shaky. A handful of people cannot even put their egos aside.
Yudia Widyantara feels the same way at this moment. He even continues to wander the vastness of this universe, witnessing all the empty things in his eyes, and moreover, alone without a companion.
In order to show the goodwill that also upholds humanity, we urge all survivors to support him.
The following entry is a stub and may be irrelevant—making it an unsolid base of information. Requests to revise the entry at any point in time are deferred or expressly denied, as further investigation is deemed to compromise the whereabouts of the Pelari. Let him run in peace.
- The Archiver
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Entity Number: 8-ID
Habitat: N/A — Wandering
The Entity 8-ID or commonly known as Pelari by the survivors is an entity with a physiological form similar to a man around 20-30 years old who is constantly running and wandering in the Backrooms universe. He is known to illogically run non-stop at a speed equal to or faster than that of an adult human. As of this entry, there have been no concrete reports of Pelari has stopped running.
The Pelari is known to be unstoppable by any effort, as any object that obstructs or attempts to stop it from running will be mysteriously "destroyed" in various ways. For example, some reports of a survivor attempting to stop the Pelari had the survivor's body twisted and crushed; some rare reports of a wall blocking the Pelari had it corrode rapidly and create a hole large enough to act as a path before the Pelari crashed into it.
Pelari runs along a pre-existing path in a level. He always seems to avoid dead ends because it is rare for him to encounter dead ends; never seen in levels with extreme terrain conditions. Pelari is also thought to have been running for decades and may have wandered into undiscovered levels.
Due to its nature, it is not known exactly how Pelari behaves. It just keeps running and shows a face that could be described as someone who is distressed, anxious or frightened. According to survivors' reports, when it runs into someone, it will shout out words of help (in Indonesian) from the so-called "Skull Monster" while calling out for the survivors not to approach it—proving that this entity has a sense of caring and humanity.
Some people might think that this entity is just an wanderer on the run, because physically, Pelari is indistinguishable from a man of about 20-30 years old with knee-length black hair and tan skin. However, upon sustained observation, Pelari will highlight some of his unique biological functions.
Pelari is known to not require any nutritional intake. Even so, it can maintain an ideal body shape. Through reports from direct observation by some survivors, Pelari is speculated to have an ongoing metabolism as sweat is still produced by his body. Meanwhile, muscle building is also ongoing, especially in the leg area which looks muscular from a distant observation. Pelari remains fit and has never been known to fall ill during his escape-physical aging does not happen to him so he always looks between 20-30 years old. The most unique thing about him is his unlimited stamina. It is not known for certain whether Pelari gets tired or can feel pain.
A group of survivors who believe in Adialpaism1 believe Pelari to be a person named Yudia Widyantara who experienced a no-clip to the Backrooms and ended up getting a blessing from the Devil after going through some hard times-but in return, Yudia Widyantara needs to continue serving the Devil by running. This sect was later accused of being a misguided and absurd religion by most survivors.
Rumors about the existence of this entity have been circulating in the past, around the last few decades. Narrated by survivors2, it reveals that the existence of Pelari in the Backrooms universe dates back to the early 2000s or longer. Pelari in the last ten years often seem to continue their escape at Level 10-ID-these entities seem to be able to adapt to the level's behavioral patterns that affect mentality. Other information listed is no longer relevant.
Do's and Don'ts
There's not much to note when encountering him, just NEVER GO NEAR HIM! Let him run far away from you, and never try to stop or block him, even if it's just throwing a small pebble at him. Some survivors will probably empathize with him, because after all, Pelari still seems to have some humanity. Cheer him on.