Phenomenon 28-ID - "All Access"
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Title: Phenomenon 28-ID - "All Access"
Author: lemmelemme
Release: 2024


All Access, one of which is the original door.


All Access, is an event where a fake door appears around a door that the survivor is used to. Usually All Access takes the form of a door similar to the door the survivor usually passes through and will appear in large numbers around the real door. This causes survivors to confuse which door is the real one as they all look very identical to each other. If the survivor leaves a marker on the real door, then all the fake doors will mimic it. If a survivor puts a marker on the wrong door, it will disappear. All Access will also affect the scenery behind all doors including those on the real door, the entire area behind the door both room and hallway will be very dark and cannot even be illuminated with a flashlight, this area will only be illuminated if the door behind the survivor is closed properly. This false door will take the survivor to another region within the level that has a high concentration of entities, but if the level is safe from dangerous entities, then the door will take the survivor to another randomly dangerous level. All Access will disappear on its own after some time and will appear elsewhere and to date there is still no record of All Access reappearing in the same place.

The number of false doors that appear usually varies and their position will not replace/change the position of the original door, this is what makes survivors who already know the exact position of the original door will have no difficulty in dealing with All Access. This also makes All Access one of the phenomena that is always underestimated by most survivors because this phenomenon always appears in areas inhabited by survivors where the survivors already familiar with the area where they live. However, for survivors who are not familiar with the area, All Access can be a dangerous phenomenon.


Another photo of All Access.


All Access its appearance is quite ignored by survivors because survivors generally do not think much about the appearance of other doors around the door they usually go through, plus the frequency is quite rare, making many survivors unaware of its existence. This phenomenon finally received attention after many survivors who apparently had the same experience then tried to investigate this phenomenon further. The nickname "All Access ” was then given because so many false doors appeared around the original door as if the phenomenon was providing many access paths to other places, but in the end all the doors were traps. The phenomenon was originally considered an entity but was eventually changed back to a phenomenon due to the difficulty of defining the concept of “life” of All Access.

Do's and Don'ts

If you know for sure which door is the right one then enter it with confidence. Avoid all doors if you are in doubt, go to another exit. If you are forced to enter one of the doors, then take a good look inside. If you feel that it is the wrong door then look for another door until you feel it is the right one. After that, good luck.

This phenomenon is known to be circumvented by marking the floor such as painting, vandalizing, or simply putting something in front of the correct door. All Access only mimics the original door, not the area around the door such as the floor and ceiling. So, if you see any markings on the floor or ceiling about the correct door position then enter through that door.

Another way is to utilize how All Access mimics the marker given on one of the doors, if the marker disappears then it is a fake door and if not then the door is real. Repeat this method until the real door is found as the disappearance of the marker lasts only a dozen seconds so it can still be observed.

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