Level 12-ID - "Rasanetra Desert"
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Title: Level 12-ID — "Rasanetra Desert"
Author: lemmelemme
Release: 2023


Class 5E

  • Unsafe
  • Unstable Topography
  • Devoid of Entities



Rasanetra Desert. Photo corrupted.

The Rasanetra Desert is a grey-black desert-shaped non-Euclidian terrain of unknown size. The desert is relatively flat with dunes and mountains scattered in some areas, the temperature in this level is known to be warm and dry. This level is always in a state of daylight with a greyish-white sky without any celestial bodies, this level is also very quiet and no life is found in it including the existence of entities, and no objects can be found.

The non-Euclidian terrain contained in this level will make survivors get lost by themselves when they just set foot on this level, this can be seen from the disappearance of the survivor's footprints from the sand in just a few footsteps. Whatever is seen in the survivor's view is known to not necessarily be the same as what is experienced by the survivor, such as feeling like you are walking up a hill but the view shows you are walking on a flat area. This effect is even more pronounced when entering the level in groups where two survivors who are not holding on to each other will not see each other again even if they were only a metre apart before.


Field of view.

Along the way, survivors will encounter random items left behind by someone that can be found lying on the sand, these items are thought to belong to survivors who have been in this level before. Items are only visible if the survivor is near them—they will seem to suddenly appear near the survivor. It is unknown where and what happened to the owners of these items as they seem to just disappear and leave their belongings on the sand. The survivors will be totally isolated and will not be able to communicate with other survivors in any way, and may even cause hallucinations of "the presence of others" due to the isolative effect caused by the level.

Additional Information


The Milk Desert is characterised by its mushroom rock structure.

Rasanetra Desert was previously nicknamed "Milk Desert" by most survivors due to the yellowish-white colour of the region. Another thing is that this level has a circular area measuring 20km2 and there is only emptiness outside the area. The desert has cool and breezy air so survivors won't get sunburnt, however there is no water or plants so survivors must bring their own supplies. This level also has no dangerous entities so it is relatively safe to visit, and there were no structures in this level before. Although this level was known to be empty before, many survivors deliberately came to this level to see its unique and beautiful natural scenery.

It is still unknown why this level suddenly underwent a complete change in appearance, size, and stability of the landscape to the point that it seems to have turned into a completely new level from before. Many survivors are confused as to why this relatively safe level suddenly turned into a severe non-euclidean terrain. Many opinions about the reasons why this level changed were conveyed by survivors who had visited the level before the level changed, one of the most hotly discussed was about the collapse of the mushroom-shaped stone that characterised this level before. It is unknown how the iconic stone could suddenly collapse and cause the survivors who visited the level at that time to be confused, when the level was revisited, this level had changed into what we know today. While it's unclear how the collapse of a stone could have caused such a drastic change in the level, many survivors deeply miss the old state of the level.

Bases, Outpost, and Communities

There are no known bases, posts or communities at this level.

Entrances and Exits


  • This level can be entered by entering the desert region in Prambanian, the desert will change colour and survivors will find themselves suddenly in this level.
  • Performing a no-clip on a television showing a grey desert in Saneless Show will take survivors to this level.


Only a handful of survivors made it out of this level, all reports from survivors mention that they were suddenly sent to another level randomly after suddenly no-clip into the sand.

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