Level 13-ID - "Hollow Memories"
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Tile: Level 13-ID — "Hollow Memories"
Author: lemmelemme
Release: 2023

This level is at the centre of the darkness, just as your beautiful childhood memories are now covered with the bitter experiences of adult life.


Class 3E

  • Unsafe
  • Unsecure
  • Devoid of Entities


Hollow Memories is a playground that consists of a seesaw, playhouse, swings, colourful tyres, a 5x3 metre billboard with a 6 metre high pole and lighting, and a spotlight that shines right onto the playground. The playground area is 10 metres in diameter and circular in shape and there is no border with the grassland outside. The colour of the lighting on this level is bright orange and only the area that is exposed to this light can be seen, it is not known what is inside the area that is not exposed to light because it is very dark like a total void. This level is very silent and does not have any source of illumination other than the two previously mentioned lights, causing this level to give a feeling of fear and apprehension of whatever lies beyond the darkness.

Surprisingly, this level will give survivors a sense of childhood nostalgia that will make them revert back to being children and playing rides inside the illuminated area. This effect will change after a while, the changes are usually varied but mostly in the form of sadness and regret for not being able to enjoy all the happiness that was once felt as a child. Survivors are known to have climbed the billboard poles and attached small pieces of paper to the billboards, these pieces of paper contain the outpouring of their hearts after what they have experienced in this level or in the Backrooms, usually in the form of words of encouragement or simply giving advice, although some are in the form of resentment and anger towards their fate and current condition.

There are no objects or entities in this level and only one survivor will be in this level so approaching this level in a group will not work. All the psychological effects given by the level cannot be suppressed with Almond Water but can be aggravated by consuming Memory Juice, even so this level is sometimes visited by survivors who want to reminisce about their past. Venturing into the dark area outside the park is not recommended as those who enter the dark area never return. Many footprints can be seen leading to the dark area, it is suspected that these traces are from survivors who felt unhappy with their fate in the Backrooms and decided to run towards the darkness. This makes it necessary for survivors who visit this level to be mentally strong and read any words of encouragement that have been left behind by previous survivors so as not to be easily consumed by the psychological influence of the level.



Hollow Memories

A phenomenon has occurred unnoticed by the survivors where this level has undergone major changes to its landscape, Hollow Memories has now been covered by snow approximately 20-30 cm thick and the temperature in this level is only around 0-5°C. The state of the rides in the park has not changed at all except for the billboards and lampposts that have now disappeared, the only source of light is the sky which was previously dark black now glowing with orange and orange balls of light that can appear at any time. These balls of light will always move away from the survivors but will move randomly outside the park if not approached. The psychological effect given by the level has not changed at all and the advice not to go outside the park still applies even though it is not very dark inside the level anymore. No one knows how this level suddenly changed like this, but it is certain that many survivors are reluctant to visit this level again because they do not want to face the psychological effects in the cold.

Bases, Outpost, and Communities

There are no bases, posts or communities at this level.

Entrances and Exits


  • This level can be accessed by visiting the playground area in Nostalgic City and Industrial Village.
  • Performing a no-clip on a television with a picture of a playground or showing footage of a playground on Saneless Show will take the survivor to this level.
  • Performing a no-clip on the portrait image of the playground in Balihud Hotel will take the survivor to this level, this image has been tagged by the survivor who lives in that level.
  • This level can also be accessed by performing a no-clip on the floating lamppost in Megamendung.


Jumping off the top of a billboard Burying oneself in a pile of snow will randomly transport survivors to other levels, but most often to levels of class 0 and 1. Please be careful as this method can cause hypothermia.

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