Level 15-ID - "Saneless Show"
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Title: Level 15-ID — "Saneless Show"
Author: lemmelemme
Release: 2023


Class 1

  • {$one}
  • Not Fit for Living
  • Minimal Entity Count



One of the television racks.

Saneless Show looks like a television store that operated in the 90s. This level has only two parts, the cashier and the maze. The cashier is where the survivor starts in this level, a medium-sized room (4x3x3 meters) filled with antique ornaments and a collection of old televisions on one side of the wall. There is no one in this room other than the survivor. The outward-facing window shows nothing but white light and the entrance door cannot be opened even if forced. There is no Wi-fi signal here even in the next level section.

The next section consists of a maze of metal shelves containing various types and brands of old televisions that were manufactured from 1930-1990, this maze is still not fully explored due to the entities and difficult terrain that can be encountered in this maze. The televisions are arranged randomly and sometimes not on the available shelves so some televisions can be found piled on top of each other in one place1. Power sources such as power supplies cannot be found in this level so the majority of televisions cannot be used, however there are some televisions that can be turned on even without a power source to power them. This level has good lighting from lamps, but the further away from the entrance of the maze the number of lamps will decrease until finally the only source of lighting comes from the television that is on.

Entities Smilers and Deathmoth can be found in unlit areas so exploration into dark areas is not recommended. Almond Water can be found in this level though not often, they can usually be found amongst televisions arranged on shelves.

The shows that can be found are mostly random static images, news channels from various times2, commercial advertisements that do not match the advertisements in the Frontrooms, or sometimes have no channels at all. Further exploration found that some televisions were showing images from levels in the Backrooms and noclip on the screen could send survivors to the level shown, making this level a shortcut for survivors. Attempts to noclip on televisions showing news channels and some static images are fruitless, attempts to bring out one of the televisions from the level are also fruitless where the television will be left behind when the survivor carrying the television noclip to exit the level.

All shows featuring news or commercial advertisements are known to have a nostalgic and homesick effect on survivors who watch them, prolonged viewing of these shows3 can give a sense of being at home and a reluctance to leave the level, suggesting that all television shows have a similar effect to Memory Juice. Survivors already in this stage can still be restored to their original state with therapy and the administration of Almond Water.

Bases, Outpost, and Communities

There's no bases, posts, and communities in this Level.

Entrances and Exits


  • Entering antique television stores in various city-themed levels can lead survivors to this level. These stores are usually located inside a small street between two buildings and are never found on the side of the road, they are usually marked by survivors.
  • There is a small chance of survivors being sent to this level after performing a noclip on the television.


The only way to get out of this level is to noclip on a television that displays an image of a level, the survivor will be sent to the level that corresponds to the image of the level that the television displays.

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