Title: Level 2-ID - "Jurit Malam"
Author: lemme
Release: 2024
Class 3
- {$one}
- Unsecure
- Entity Existence Doubted

Jurit Malam
Jurit Malam is a field overgrown with corn and shrubs in pitch darkness. The level has a cold temperature so that fog will appear at any time, this fog will block the view and interfere with navigation in the level. The endless night conditions and the absence of celestial bodies make this level very difficult to navigate without a lighting device such as a flashlight, even if there is lighting, the height of the plants reaching 2 to 3 meters will be present to make it difficult for survivors to determine directions. The ground inside the level is black and somewhat muddy making travel difficult, however in some locations the level is known to be dry and rocky. In addition to the aforementioned tall corn plants and shrubs, survivors can find man-made structures such as wire fences, wooden boxes, and ruined huts randomly within the grove of plants. Sometimes survivors can also find a path that is somewhat open but unfortunately this path forms an intricate maze that survivors can get lost in if they stay in it.
The limited field of vision when exploring gives survivors a sense of worry and fear, especially those who are new to the Backrooms. The fear of an attack from the unknown is quite strong as the level is unknown whether or not it has entities in it - sightings of entities or invisible beings are reported to be frequent though fleeting and often mistaken for hallucinations. In addition, the level also lacks essential resources that can be used so survivors must economize on the use of their supplies. Corn berries can be found in small quantities but cannot be eaten as they will cause stomach pains and vomiting to survivors.
The level has been considered a “test level” for those newly trapped in the Backrooms, a designation that came about due to the nature of the level that gives fear of uncertainty from behind the plants that will cause new survivors to panic and will be difficult to think clearly—it is known that there will only be a few new survivors who actually survive this level later. Many attempts to make navigation easier and reduce the chances of getting lost have been made by those who have visited this level before, but the results always fail because the objects used for navigation will experience interference or even malfunction. This has led to a large number of new and old survivors disappearing in this level.
The compass pointer would just spin around, the flashlight would not be able to shine far enough as if the light was absorbed by the darkness, the direction finding device would disappear, and the radio would be filled with strange noises. In addition, the level is also filled with crickets and strange noises that are quite disturbing and considered frightening. Because of all these things, survivors can only rely on courage and luck when exploring this level. All the plants can't even be cut down and all the sources of the noise can't be found by any means, so survivors must be mentally strong when in the level.
Base, Post and Community
There's no bases, posts or communities within this level.
Entrances and Exits
The level can be entered by entering the tall shrubbery at Level 1-ID, survivors will find that the surrounding environment will slowly turn into Jurit Malam. Another entry point is by entering the corn plant grove on various outdoor-themed levels such as Land of Earth, and Megamendung.
- On Saneless Show, performing a noclip on a television showing a corn plantation at night with a red dot in the sky will take survivors to this level. Similar images can be found in the form of paintings in Balihud Hotel and Green Illusion.
- There is a weathered wooden door on Shortcuts, entering this door will take survivors to this level.
- Touching the corn pile on Black Shrine will take survivors to this level.
Survivors must find a concrete building that is so tall that the top is not visible, the location is also not fixed so survivors must rely on luck if they want to find it. Entering its entrance will take survivors to the Crematorium.
Survivors cannot return to Level 1-ID once inside this level.