Level 20-ID - "Griller"
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Title: Level 20-ID — "Griller"
Author: lemmelemme
Release: 2023


Class 4

  • {$one}
  • {$two}
  • Minimal Entity Count




The Griller is a labyrinthine complex of metal-walled tunnels of unknown size, the tunnels are quite warm with a charred scent that can be smelled all over the place. The size and appearance of the tunnels are all the same which can be misleading to survivors so making markers on the walls when exploring is advised. Engine noises and humming can be heard from behind the walls, and even static vibrations can be felt throughout the level. Touching the tunnel walls is strongly discouraged as the temperature can cause burns if no protection is used. The floor in this level is usually concrete, although in some parts it has disintegrated into a pile of rocks, but in some locations the floor is a very deep hole or a vertical tunnel. There is no lighting on this level so bringing your own lighting is required.

There are air holes at the top or sides of the tunnel, just big enough to enter but access will be blocked by metal beams. These air holes also emit heat so entering them is not recommended. Survivors can find oil and asphalt collection drums in many locations randomly stacked or in a state of disrepair with the contents scattered on the floor, all of these drums are quite difficult to approach as they emit extremely hot temperatures. They also emit a strong odor and can even explode on their own, which is why survivors are advised not to approach these drums. The oil and asphalt that had pooled on the floor was different, its warm temperature allowed survivors to approach it and even collect it into a container to take to another level.

There are no objects for survivors to find so survivors must bring their own supplies when in this level. Entities in this level are rarely found but are always found in a burnt-out state, making it difficult to identify what entities are in this level due to the condition of their bodies.

A deadly phenomenon occurs in this level every few hours, this phenomenon changes the temperature of the level to superheat to the point that the entire surface of the level turns bright red and all drums immediately explode. Before this phenomenon occurs the survivors must immediately get out of the level before being roasted alive, the appearance of this phenomenon can be recognized by the increasing loudness of the engine sound and the rising temperature in the level. Survivors will also feel a hot wind blowing from one direction of the tunnel, which if felt, survivors should run to the exit as soon as possible.

Survivors should also avoid running into tunnels that turn bright red due to the heat, they should immediately find another way even if they have to make a long detour to get to the exit. The direction of the superheating is always random and hard to predict, so survivors must memorize the tunnel paths that have been mapped so far. The length of time this phenomenon lasts is unknown and it is also unknown when the temperature at this level will return to safe limits, this is also coupled with the difficulty of predicting when the next phenomenon will occur so it is rare for survivors to come to this level—it is feared that survivors come when this phenomenon is in progress or when the level temperature is still quite hot after the phenomenon.

Factory Area


Factory Area

A recently discovered region where this location has a different appearance from the rest of the level, this region is still a maze but has rooms in many locations. The whole area is made of concrete and has good lighting, the temperature is still the same as the metal tunnel area which is warm. This area has electricity and there are electrical outlets in several locations, storage drums can also be found neatly arranged in many rooms. The containment drums in this area tend to be cooler and there are no reports of them exploding unlike those in the metal tunnels. Many electrical machines can be found here, but they are all out of service so it is unknown where all the electricity in this area comes from. Even so, the sound of machinery and humming can still be heard softly from the direction of the metal tunnels. No objects or entities can be found here.

The phenomenon of extreme temperature rise also occurs in this region, but the hot winds that blow can be felt from all directions and survivors also cannot see the fiery red color that usually marks the existence of areas that have burned due to temperature rise, as a result this region becomes much more dangerous than inside the metal tunnel when this phenomenon occurs. In addition, this area is known to be quite difficult to navigate as there will be areas flooded with hot asphalt on the floor, so survivors are advised not to enter this area lightly. This area is located not too far from the entrance to the level and can be reached by following the map, access to this area is quite difficult as survivors will have to pass through puddles of oil and hot asphalt that will hinder survivors.

Survivors are also advised to be careful in areas that have hot metal pipes in them, these metal pipes are known to be unstable and capable of leaking at any time. These pipes usually contain hot vapors although there are other pipes that contain hot asphalt or oil that can cause fatal injuries to survivors.

Bases, Outpost, and Communities

There's no bases, posts or communities at this level.

Entrances and Exits



  • Entering the metal door will take the survivor back to the Crematorium.
  • Entering a manhole in the ceiling of the tunnel will randomly take survivors to Death Circle or Mega Langit Bridge.
  • Standing for some time in a pool of oil or asphalt will make the survivor experience a noclip to Industrial Village.
  • Entering an air vent will send the survivor to one of the air vents in Shortcuts.

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