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A photo of Level 22-ID from inside, 3 days before the Reconstructing Scenario-Event took place.
Another photo obtained from inside Level 22-ID.
Level 22-ID is the 23rd level of Backroom Indonesia.
Level 22-ID is a non-linear room that forms the structure of the "Matahari Fashion Store" in Frontrooms. The clothing and outfits vary greatly in size, material, and style. Typical and standard clothing within the level tends to be adult-sized (although clothing for small children has been heard of before from the testimonies of some survivors). All of the clothing brands are the same as those we are familiar with from the Frontrooms, and generally, they are safe to wear and reliable inside Level 22-ID as protection from the unstable room temperatures. Some random rooms with more friendly and proportional temperatures can be found and have taps to replenish with unlimited supply of Almond Water. Some survivors have been found to successfully survive for long periods of time in this place.
The surroundings of Level 22-ID are filled with modern decorations and furniture, the center of the level is the location with the most clothes, shirts, and objects in Level 22-ID. The level is mostly clean without any stains and dust on the surface of the landscape. The pristine floors and well-maintained areas make Level 22-ID a livable level and comfortable enough for survivors to live in.
Beyond that, it appears that Level 22-ID is a non-equivalent level, with an inconsistent power supply and routinely undergoing significant "Reconstruction" once every week. Whenever Level 22-ID is reconstructed, all clothing on the level will be replaced with a different and completely new type of clothing from the previous one, and some non-hostile local entities will live off the headless tarso mannequins displayed across the landscape. This level has quite extreme temperatures, with the indoor temperature dropping to -15°C during normal times, and remaining at a constant temperature during phenomena events. Some of the electrical installations appear to be malfunctioning, some hallways are filled with hanging clothes, and some are even completely covered with clothing and fashion that obstructs the view of survivors.
Level 22-ID has a limited manifestation of entity types. During the course of the phenomenon, the only entity likely to be present is Tarso Rahaga. Which is described as an indestructible solid fiberglass headless tarso mannequin, dressed using clothing available within the level, as well as the only entity that frequently roams Level 22-ID that seems to have a strange effect called "Humanoid-22 Anomaly", which makes the entity's traits and characteristics change to make them behave as ordinary humans. This effect would cause the entity to interact with survivors in an attempt at communication using sign language. Despite not having heads, somehow, the Tarso Rahaga appeared to be conscious, interacted with each other, and did not bump with each other during the event.
Reconstructing Scenario-Event
Once every week, Level 22-ID will experience an anomalous Reconstructing Scenario-Event. During this event, the level's room temperature will temporarily rise to a constant warm temperature. All clothing in the level's landscape will be replaced instantly and the contents of Level 22-ID's clothing will be completely changed after the event is over, the results of this "Reconstruction" are semi-permanent until the next Reconstructing Scenario-Event. On one side of the central wall of Level 22-ID, there is a continuously activated digital clock, followed by an unknown narration voice (presumably an Indonesian teenage girl). The clock immediately began counting down from 500,000 seconds in Indonesian before stopping at the next Reconstructing Scenario-Event, and restarting the countdown from the beginning when Level 22-ID had been completely reconstructed. These "Scenario" events generally last from 23 to 24 hours.
During the Reconstructing Scenario-Event, the landscape life of the level will be dominated by Tarso Rahaga manifesting themselves to roam freely within the level. The entities in question will consistently live until the post-"Scenario" period, they will return to being normal mannequins with their upright positions facing the west or south of the level, for the exact purpose of the chosen position is still under observation.
Base, Outpost, and Communities
Warga Swalayan
- This group includes all Tarso Rahaga mannequins in Level 22-ID.
- The exact number of Tarso Rahaga in existence is unknown, but the number is estimated to be around 22,600 individuals.
- This ecosystem is generally located around the center of Level 22-ID, although in theory, these entities can be found spread throughout the level.
Entrances and Exits
- To enter, find a locked shop with a clean-looking metal rolling door in one of the corridors of level Level 23-ID. Open it forcibly, and you will be connected directly to the center of Level 22-ID.
- Enter a bathroom at the very back of the Right Wing of Garga Base on Level 14-ID.
- Noclip into a closet full of whichever clothes are spread across several Level 10-ID houses.
- To exit Level 22-ID you need to find a CCTV TV shop, it will lead directly to Level 15-ID.
- Noclipping on the glass of the changing room will lead directly to Level 18-ID.