Level 27-ID - "Shortcuts"
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Title: Level 27-ID — "Shortcuts"
Author: lemmelemme
Release: 2023


Class 1

  • {$one}
  • Not Fit for Living
  • Devoid of Entities




Shortcuts are a single narrow street clamped by two structures such as buildings, houses, or high walls with an estimated infinite street length. The street is one to two meters wide and is lined with items such as garbage cans that will sometimes narrow the street. Both sides of the street are usually walls with graffiti, locked doors, unopenable windows, air ducts of various sizes, and random posters on the walls. This level has a cool, humid temperature with a sky that is always glowing white with no visible celestial bodies. Objects and food supplies can be found along the streets, other than that, there are no reports of entities in the level so the level is quite safe to walk through.

Not all trash cans, doors, or windows can be opened even though survivors have tried to open them and even break them. In some locations, there are doors and windows that can be entered so that survivors can rest in a room within the building even though there is no access to other rooms. This level is visited quite often by survivors because it has quite a lot of branching to other levels, until the time this entry was published, this level was recorded to have dozens of no-clip fields to other levels so that survivors use this level as an alternative shortcut besides Saneless Show.


There is a phenomenon where this level will forcibly eject a group of survivors if there are too many people in the level, there is no known maximum limit of how many people should be in the level as the occurrence is always random and difficult to predict. This phenomenon also prevents survivors from making this level their home. Another phenomenon only happens to survivors who enter the level alone and will disappear if the survivor goes through the level together or in a group. This phenomenon is the sound of people chatting from behind a wall, although the words spoken are not clear, this phenomenon gives the feeling of being talked about even though the survivor is not sure what topic is being discussed. The two previously mentioned phenomena are not known to be particularly harmful to survivors.

The next phenomenon to watch out for is that survivors should be careful if they pass through areas that have air ducts built into the walls, as hot air can randomly escape from these ducts. This hot air will heat up the streets and the heat is enough to give burns to survivors who try to pass through. Warning signs have been installed telling survivors to wait until the air ducts stop operating on their own, which is signaled by the disappearance of the loud sound from the air ducts.

Bases, Outpost, and Communities

There's no bases, posts or communities at this level.

Entrances and Exits


  • Exiting Triumvirate will lead directly to this level.
  • This level can be entered by performing no-clip on dead ends on various urban or settlement-themed levels, but not all dead ends will lead survivors to this level.


  • Survivors have marked many doors and walls that can be used to get to the level they are marked for. Most markers indicate that the majority of destination levels are indoor themed levels such as Crematorium.
  • Survivors who are forcibly ejected from a level will be sent to the level they came from before.

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