Level 29-ID - "Alvus"
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Title: Level 29-ID — "Alvus"
Author: lemmelemme
Release: 2022
Translator: lemmelemme

Made this when bored.

Pics used:
Hallway: by Phil! Gold https://flic.kr/p/5gsJjL
Red Terminal: by foshie https://flic.kr/p/8FWUK (edited by me)
Entry Point: by walkonboston https://flic.kr/p/48Wx7G
Exit Point: by Joseph Akbrud https://unsplash.com/photos/-olz676A3IU


Class deadzone

  • Access Prohibitied
  • Hostile Environtment
  • Massive Entity Manifestation

Level 29-ID is the 30th Level of Backrooms Indonesia. This level is a seamless mix of different types of building interiors.


Salah satu lorong dari Level 29-ID.


Originally discovered in 2019, Level 29-ID has a form that can be described as an infinite collection of rooms and corridors decorated in a variety of different room structure styles (the most prominent style being that of suburban homes in the United States and United Kingdom Frontrooms), all of which are assumed to span over millions of kilometers. The architecture of the levels is, for the most part, quite confusing and difficult to understand, with some differences being markers in the creation of parts of the levels, examples of which include:

  • Randomly segmented hallways, which often lead to dead ends or irregularly constructed doors,
  • Maze passages that are very misleading,
  • Staircases that are complicated and seem haphazardly constructed,
  • Vertical passageways, which are obviously difficult to traverse without proper equipment,
  • Unstable and penetrable walls (no-clip).

In addition, furniture at this level is often also subject to unusual architectural properties. Some furniture has been found upside down and hanging from the ceiling, some look more cumbersome and disproportionate than they should, and some furniture has also been known to have no-clip applied to it.

The level design is, simply put, very ordinary in every sense of the word. All the walls in this level are painted a brilliant titanium white color, and all the floors are either brown or white. The wall material is mostly brick, although some areas have seen a change in material to polished steel or aluminum. The floors, meanwhile, are made of ceramic tiles and concrete that are sometimes carpeted or not at all. Lighting can be found throughout the levels and it comes in the form of lamps or other appliances capable of producing light, often just a few meters away from each other, but in some areas, no light sources can be found so there are dark areas in these levels. There are also no windows to be found within these levels.

Several different objects can be found scattered across Level 29-ID, such as Almond Water, Royal Rations, Electrict Outlet, and Lamps. Several Wi-Fi points can also be found on Level 29-ID, all of which have fairly strong connections. If a survivor picks up an object, a new object of the same will appear after some time in the same place, this makes people think that the number of objects here will never run out even if they are always picked up.

Bookshelves are also common in Level 29-ID, but they do not always contain books. However, if one finds a book, opening it will show that all the pages are filled with random unreadable characters, effectively making the book unwanted by survivors.

While level design and color choices are consistent across levels, architectural and structural themes can be far from consistent. A mix of rooms that are meant to be hospitals, offices, schools, bedrooms, and factories form a common design of many rooms, resulting in a chaos of unique room designs, all of which make up the distinct aesthetic of Level 29-ID. This chaotic room structure affects the items that can be found in the rooms of Level 29-ID, which makes it have a wide and varied number of material types that can certainly be extracted from Level 29-ID in close proximity to each other, which should be their different locations.

Survivor "Rizu", who originally discovered the level in 2019 has created a system that divides Level 29-ID into 25 multi-storey floor segments named sectors A to Y (Sector A being the entrance and Sector Y being the exit). Access to get from one sector to the next is sparse, which makes the journey up to the exit of Level 29-ID exhausting and time-consuming. When access is found, it is usually in the form of stairs or vertical passages that are difficult to traverse as mentioned earlier. All of this makes traveling and researching Level 29-ID extremely hindered, which is proven very clearly by the five years it took for Survivor "Rizu" to find a way out and escape the level.


Level 29-ID is populated by several types of entities that are quite common in Backrooms, such as Hound, Death Moth, Clump, and Skin Stealer. However, Level 29-ID has a special entity that only exists in this level.

Level 29-ID is home to only one type of entity; a hostile species known as "Manstria" (also known as Entity 29-ID). Known for their ability to change their form to become inconspicuous or camouflaged with their surroundings, these entities are the biggest threat in Level 29-ID. Their shape-shifting properties occur due to the fact that most of their bodies are composed of a special type of cell tissue named placenta, which is extremely flexible and elastic. They can also change their color in the same way as chameleons, utilizing the hormone system to release pigments that change the color of their skin. Both the placental tissue and pigments are very easy for Manstria to control, because of this control they are also able to heal themselves from any wounds they get very quickly. As already stated, Manstria are extremely hostile. They prey on living organisms such as humans and other entities, but they do not require feeding as often as humans.


Survivor "Rizu" originally discovered this level when he was looking for a temporary place to stay in an old building inside Level 11-ID. After he unknowingly entered a door, he found himself having entered another unfamiliar level, and was further distressed when he discovered that he could not return to Level 11-ID. He decided to explore Level 29-ID and document the phenomena within until he made it out in 2024. Upon his return, Rizu compiled all his data into the first draft of the Level 29-ID article, then he proceeded to coordinate several expeditions to Level 29-ID to further detail and map the level.

A survivor group base called SPB has been set up in Sector A near the entrance, this base was set up to help survivors who will be exploring this level. It was also thanks to them that efforts to set up shelters proved successful after a well-documented pathway system was established amongst the relatively dense concentration of stairs. This level then quickly became a hotspot of survivors looking to replenish their supplies due to the level's feature of being able to produce unlimited supplies, this also made this level a new trading center frequented by survivors from various levels in the Backrooms. Various exploration and territorial control efforts have been repeatedly carried out to make this level safe for survivors to live in and become the gathering center of the survivors who were scattered in the Backrooms.

Locations and Important Formations


Entrance Point.

Entrance Point

The Entry Point is the place that everyone who enters first encounters. A 150-meter long hallway that lacks furniture and entities, it then begins to diverge and become more complicated after a few turns. A neon exit sign hangs above the first turn, which causes confusion among survivors. Trying to turn around and exit through the door after it was closed proved futile, as the door was locked and did not move. Attempting to leave the door open and leave it after entering the level is also impossible, as invisible barriers prevent survivors from doing so. This last effect only occurs if the survivor has fully entered the level, and does not occur if entering partially.

Manstria's Nest

This lair has been described as fleshy and wet, symbolized by a door that is also made of a tumor-bearing mound of flesh and bone. Several Manstria can be found in the room, which has prompted the archivist to give it its name.


A Red Terminal with MNS inside. Taken in Sector A.

Manstrian Network System (MNS)

The MNS is the placental tissue that resides within the walls, ceiling, and floor of Level 29-ID. Damaging the surface of the level will expose this network. It functions like a LAN network but is made of thick and extremely sturdy placental tissue. The Manstrians use the MNS to connect themselves with other Manstrians so that they can communicate with each other. They can also change positions by joining a Red Terminal and appearing in another Red Terminal through the MNS.

Red Terminal

A gap in the MNS, which is used by Manstria to enter the MNS and exchange information with other Manstria. The size of the gap can vary, but it is usually large enough for a survivor to enter.


Scattered along the path to the Level 29-ID exit, several offices have been repurposed as hideouts for survivors crossing the region. Inside, various simple survival tools, Almond Water, maps, and documentation about Level 29-ID and its inhabitants have been placed. The layout of the rooms varies, but they are generally 4x4 meters built specifically for office work, evidenced by the presence of filing cabinets, inactive monitors, work cubicles, and others. Basic locks and barricades have been built so that survivors can rest inside these offices as they explore Level 29-ID.


Another safe spot in Level 29-ID, only 2 have been discovered and mapped so far, and they are located in Sectors F and L (it is thought that there are still more locations like this outside of the known areas in Level 29-ID). One can easily find food and water sources within the Cafeteria, as well as objects such as Almond Water and (not too uncommon) Royal Rations are known to appear on their tables. Interestingly, there is no observable "kitchen": All ingredients are unnaturally generated when there are no humans inside the Cafeteria and will not generate new food if there are humans inside.

Fake Level 0

Located in Sector D. The structure is similar to Level 0 complete with buzzing lights, but all parts are white unlike Level 0 which is yellow, the size is also limited. Most Manstrians inhabit this place.


Stretching from Sector E to Sector K, is a complex room structure filled with chaotic and complicated staircases, it is not recommended to visit this place as it can cause survivors to easily get lost. Manstria also inhabits this place.

Small Soccer Field

Located in Sector G. A room containing a soccer field with green artificial grass, this field has a slope of (about) 5 degrees which makes this field unusable for playing. There is no Manstria here.


Located in Sector J and the only window found in the level so far, the view outside is of a large, empty room with many lights on the ceiling. The right corner of the room appears to be indented and there are 2 doors on different sides and of different heights, the two doors are connected by a staircase with no handrail. The large room behind the window is known to be very deep.

Additional Information: Level 29-ID Closure

Due to the constant exploration by the survivors in the level, the Manstrian entities have unexpectedly become more intelligent than usual as they are known to have studied the lives of the human survivors. They succeeded in imitating what the survivors' lives were like and developed new hunting methods to attack the survivors, although they faced some resistance from the survivors, they managed to find a way to suppress the survivors' resistance and regained control of some of the level territories that were once taken over by the survivors. Due to the drastic increase in the number of deaths within the level due to constant attacks by Manstria, the majority of survivors agreed to seal this level for good.

Bases, Outposts and Communities

There are no more bases, outposts, and communities here.


Picture of the exit access.

Entrances and Exits


  • Access prohibited.


  • Only in Sector Y, survivors can find a white door that is similar to the entrance in both appearance and properties. Exiting through it will return survivors to Level 11-ID. These doors are difficult to find without a guide, however, due to the efforts made by the SPB survivor group, various signs have been installed around the level telling survivors where they should go to reach the resting posts that have been built, and subsequently, the exit.
  • An exploration conducted by a survivor from the SPB survivor group managed to find access to Level 29.1-ID after exploring quite deep within this level. This level can be accessed by following the map created by this survivor.

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