Level 43-ID - "Pagaria"
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Title: Level 43-ID — "Pagaria"
Author: lemmelemme
Release: 2023
Translator: lemmelemme

It's an old draft that I finally wrote too. It's short and to the point.


Class 3

  • {$one}
  • {$two}
  • Low Entity Count


Pagaria is a pile of fences in various materials, sizes, colors, and designs that blend into each other to form a very difficult area to traverse. All of these fences have in common that they are split fences rather than fences that also function as a parapet, allowing survivors to see what lies behind the pile of fences. The arrangement of the stacks of fences is also irregular, some are connected to each other, overlapping, crossing, and so on, making the area very difficult to traverse. Survivors can still move within the level by passing through narrow gaps between the stacks of fences, but sometimes the gaps can lead to survivors getting squeezed between the gaps and trapped. In addition, most fences have sharp parts that can harm survivors, so survivors must be very careful where they stand or hold on. There is no lighting and no objects in this region and the temperature is also quite hot, leading to the threat of dehydration.

This level is also known to be quite noisy as the metal fences in this level are very easy to rattle and the sound will echo when something touches them. The total size of the level is unknown and no one has ever managed to find the bottom or the top. There is a small group of entities in the level, however, these entities will also have difficulty moving around and can become trapped due to the environmental conditions of the level. Currently, a path to the noclip location out of the level has been formed by a group of survivors who are dedicated to cutting through all the fences in the way, but this path is still not very comfortable to walk on and is mostly a path of climbing and holding on so hand strength is needed. The environmental conditions that are quite difficult for survivors to traverse in general make for a lack of exploration on this level, this also makes for a lack of information on this level as well.

Bases, Outposts and Communities

There are no known bases, outposts or communities at this level.

Entrances and Exits

Survivors can enter this level by noclip on the fence at any level, but it is unlikely to be fruitful. To exit, the survivor only needs to follow the path that has been formed and then the survivor can noclip on a stone fence that has been marked. The survivor will then be sent to the level where the previous survivor was.

"Don't enter this level if you don't want to see the remains of those who were trapped and then abandoned, and also all your attempts to get out will only bring you back to where you were. This level is empty and there's nothing good here. In other words, it's not worth visiting and it's a waste of your time."

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