Level 47-ID - "Crazy? I was Crazy Once"
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Class 4

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Level 47-ID is the 48th level of The Backrooms Indonesia. This level is a maze with a rubber wall.



Level 47-ID. Photo taken by one of the room found by a traveller.

Level 47-ID is a room structure that’s connected from hallway to another. The width of this level is unknown until this level is considered infinite. The main characteristic of this level is that, everything is made out of soft brown rubber-like padded cells for containing mental sickness patients. The rubber pieces are known for its softness and hard to tears, and besides that, in every corner of this hallway room, there’s a small hole om the rubber that's approximately 10 cm diameter. The light source inside this level is nicely known by their light bulbs that appeared near every hole in the sky. This level also has no outsiders entities other than travellers and natives entities. Even though, there's no any evidence about any objects found on this level so those travellers are force to borrow their supply from outside to survives.

The only entity in this level is light brown rat who can be found when the first time travellers comes by. This rat will evading travellers and will hide inside the hole in a corner of a room. After approximately a minute long, the same rat will eventually leave at the nearest hole, but with a twist of double the creatures. These rats will still going to avoid travellers and went back inside to the hole if travellers tries to approaching them. This cycles will repeat itself until the rats cannot be countable.1 This causing the longer travellers stays, the more they will increase until there's no more rooms left. this will also making travellers rush to find an exit before those rats are attacking travellers because of insecure.

These rats are known for light physiologic to traveller like a feeling of scared or a sense of intensive, but this effect can be prevented when drinking Almond Water. Though, this effect will increasing more powerful, following the more rats become until its given traveller’s strong feeling of phobia, this can drive traveller to be hysterical or even traumatize. Usage of Almond Water will slowly ineffective by the time the more rats increasing until the last thing where the Almond Water became normal water. It has been discovered that many travellers has escaped this level but remains low sanity, this also can causing a warning to traveller to not entering this level spread amongst travellers for their safety.

For those travellers who’s entering this level before shares the same experience about how’s the condition inside the level after escape from those rats, thing are like:

  • Although, this level is mostly isolative, it is discovered that some traveller still lost its sanity until it can’t be saved,
  • Any other object travellers across the level are left broken condition,
  • remaining corpses from travellers died due to suicide,
  • There’s a strong scent from an entire level that’s annoying enough,
  • And also, there’s so many writing on rubber wall made with paint or blood, like:

"For those whose caught willing to little bit of troll, though your God may see."

"If you trapped and it’s already crazy, Don’t worry. Convert to Islam and kill yourself. "

"Crazy? I was crazy once. They locked me in a room. A rubber room! A rubber room with rats, and rats make me crazy. Crazy? I was crazy once. They locked me in a room. A rubber room! A rubber room with rats, and rats make me crazy. Crazy? I was crazy once. They locked me in a room. A rubber room! A rubber room with rats, and rats make me crazy. Crazy? …"

And so on.

Bases, Outposts and Communities

There are no known bases, outposts or communities on this level.

Entrances and exits


  • Keep walking until see "KM 47" with metal door in Level 11-ID will entering traveller to this level. This is one of the most possible ways to enter this level.
  • Backflip in every level will throw traveller to this level (it's best not to be too reckless).
  • Touching a television in level 15-ID that’s showing a show brown rat documentation or rubber cell will entering traveller to this level.
  • Touching a rubber rat in Level 41 will entering traveller to this level.
  • Rat from this level known for going out in every level. Following it and no-clipping with it will entering traveller to this level.


  • Finding and entering iron door will sending traveller back to Level 11-ID. But this door position will always be randomized. Plus, with the big of this level is unknown for it’s size.
  • If one of the tiles is a bit hard than the other, follow the path of the texture until you found a wall with slightly more cream color. No-clipping this will enter Level 33-ID.

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