Title: Level 7-ID - "Gloomy Library"
Author: lemme
Release: 2024
New Year. New Article.
Class 0
- {$one}
- Not Fit for Living
- {$three}

Gloomy Library
The Gloomy Library is a modern library whose area mostly consists of a single bookcase aisle with a few larger areas. The total size of this library is unknown as it is quite rare for survivors to visit this level. This level has no entities and no usable objects. Since this level is a library, there are a large number of books in various colors, sizes, and thicknesses that can be found here. However, the books in the level cannot be read due to their abstract text and chaotic images.
This level has two main structures: a single bookcase aisle less than a meter wide that is well-lit, and a slightly spacious area with rows of tables and chairs inside. Posters, signs, and ornaments can be found randomly along the hallway, but there is a small chance of survivors finding doors—all of which cannot be opened. However, just like in the book, all the text in this level is randomized.
Survivors who have entered this level state that there is nothing in this level but emptiness, so staying too long in the level will give a sense of depression and loneliness. In addition, survivors will not feel tired or need nutrients such as food and water so they can continue to explore the level continuously. However, this can also cause survivors to feel mentally exhausted due to the monotonous structure of the level and its hushed atmosphere like there is no life in it at all.
The cool temperature and the level's notoriously dull appearance can induce drowsiness, but since survivors will continue to feel refreshed so they don't need sleep, these conflicting feelings have been known to frustrate survivors. There are many testimonials that mention how empty and isolating this level is, below is one such testimonial from a survivor who has entered the level.
Bases, Outpost, and Communities
There's no bases, outpost, and communities in this level.
Entrances and Exits
Levels can be entered by looking for doors labeled "Library" in both settlement-themed and indoor levels, but sometimes this access may lead survivors to another library-themed level. However, survivors can still recognize this level just by looking at the indoor design of the entrance—if it's different then it's another library level.
Survivors can only exit this level by noclip into the floor, but this event occurs randomly—it is unknown where and when it will occur, and will send survivors to another level randomly as well.