Level 9.1-ID - "Orange Suburb"
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Title: Level 9.1-ID - "Orange Suburb"
Author: lemmelemme
Release: 2024


Class pending

  • {$one}
  • {$two}
  • Devoid of Entities

Orange Suburb


Orange Suburb is a residential area with an unknown fixed size but has a boundary edge that will lead survivors to Industrial Village if survivors pass through it. This level has similar characteristics to Nostalgic City and Industrial Village which are both residential areas at night. Other features show that this level has the characteristics of the previous two levels such as having no special entities or objects in it, each building cannot be entered easily, and the conditions inside the level tend to be cool and dry. However, there are differences in this level that still make it different, namely:

  • This level is limited because it has boundary edges,
  • This level has a deep orange night sky with orange building lighting, and
  • This level is safer from anomaly effects than the other two levels.

As previously noted, this level has a mixture of characteristics from Nostalgic City and Industrial Village at once. This can be seen from the presence of buildings commonly seen in both levels merging in the same place and arranged regularly to form a residential area. Each building is difficult to enter because every entrance is locked, but if survivors manage to enter, they can find the standard furniture of the building. Electricity and water supply as well as electronic equipment found inside the level are reported to be functioning normally, hence information about the existence of this level can be made after establishing a communication line out of the level by utilizing the electricity.

The edge of the boundary of this level is not physically visible and will only lead survivors to the Industrial Village so that travel back into the level is not possible, although it is not physically visible, its existence can still be known from how the color of the sky and the state of the surrounding environment change to what is in the Industrial Village. This change is also sudden, as the sky turns black and the survivor is already in the level completely. In addition, the survivor will not be able to return to Nostalgic City once inside this level, even if the survivor breaks through the boundary edge, the survivor will only be sent to the Industrial Village. The existence of this boundary edge makes the size of the level limited unlike most levels in Backrooms, but the size of the level and its boundaries are still unknown due to lack of exploration.


Another Pic

The existence of this level is quite difficult to find as the only way to find it is by exploring inside Nostalgic City, it is unclear how survivors can get to this level as its discovery is reported to have happened suddenly. This level is known to not have many noticeable differences with Nostalgic City if survivors are not aware of their surroundings, this also causes many survivors to not realize they are already inside Orange Suburb until they finally look up at the sky.

Initially, the existence of this level was doubted due to the natural anomaly effect in Nostalgic City, which is known to deceive the perception of survivors, besides that the reports were quite minimal, making this level just a rumor. The existence of this level was finally confirmed after successful documentation efforts were made by a group of survivors who dedicated themselves to searching for this level, but the group was only able to gather a little information due to the constraints of their depleted resource supply. In addition, the anomalous effects of Nostalgic City hindered efforts to find this level and were quite risky, which is why searching for this level is not recommended for all survivors.

Bases, Outpost, and Communities

Tidak ada pangkalan, pos atau komunitas yang diketahui di level ini.

Entrances and Exits

This level connects Nostalgic City with Industrial Village in one direction only — survivors will not be able to return to this level if they are in Industrial Village and will not be able to return to Nostalgic City if they are in this level.

  • To enter, survivors only need to explore inside Nostalgic City until the sky changes color and the environmental conditions no longer show anomalous effects.
  • To exit, survivors only need to walk without direction until the color of the sky turns black and the environment turns into an Industrial Village-style residential area.

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