Title: Level 9-ID — "Nostalgic City"
Author: lemme
Release: 2023
Derived from a dream by @Nanaaaaaaa#4235 and has received permission to be written up.
Class 3E
- Unsafe
- Not Fit for Living
- Devoid of Entities

Nostalgic City with some survivors in it.
This level is a densely packed city that appears to have an area of more than 20 km². It is always midnight, but there is no moon or stars visible so the sky is always black. The only source of lighting in this level comes from street lamps, light from inside buildings, and small lamps hung outside buildings. It is recommended to bring a flashlight if entering this level just in case. This level has a fairly warm temperature even though it is night. This level does not have any entities in it so exploration is relatively safe from entity attacks. Almond water can be found in the drink machine and is the only object in this level.
The highlight of this level is the architectural style of the buildings that vary from one another. The majority of the buildings in this level have a medieval European architectural style while the rest have a more modern style. All the buildings cannot be entered, not even the windows of the buildings can be broken. The streets in this level also vary, ranging from streets made of stone tiles to modern asphalt streets. The arrangement of buildings in this level forms a large maze, so survivors can get lost if they do not mark each building correctly, marking can be done by crossing out or scratching the walls of the building.
Survivors are advised not to stay in this level for too long due to the anomalous nature of the level which is very misleading. This level is known to mislead survivors by changing the architectural style of the building if it leaves the survivor's field of view suddenly, but this effect will not affect the scribbles or scratches that the survivor has left on the building. Survivors who have lost their way will end up in a building that feels very familiar to the survivor. These buildings vary, ranging from memories of the past to the building that the survivor most wants to visit.
Survivors who enter the building will be "bound" and will not want to leave the building. Survivors who have been "bound" can only be taken out of the building by force or by being made aware of it through provision of Almond Water. Survivors who had been "bound" claimed to experience a strong sense of nostalgia that made them reluctant to leave the building. They claimed they were at home or where they were supposed to be, without realizing they were still in the Backrooms. The nature of this anomaly is known to have the flaw of not being able to affect many people at once, so exploring in groups is recommended. Survivors can work together if the anomaly level trait occurs and survivors who are almost "bound" can be given Almon Water as soon as possible.
Bases, Outpost, and Communities
There's no bases, posts or communities at this level.
Entrances and Exits
This level can be accessed easily by entering an alley in Industrial Village, the alley has been marked by the Abiprasada cêmani group. Another way is to noclip on a television with a nighttime cityscape in Saneless Show or enter a classic European-style wooden door in Shortcuts. Survivors can return to the Industrial Village by entering the same path. In rare cases, survivors can go to Mega Langit Bridge by passing through a suspension bridge that can appear unexpectedly. It is known that this level can be used as a shortcut to another level by imagining the destination level although this method does not always work, this level will replicate the structure or area of the destination level and survivors will be sent to the destination level if they enter the area.