Object 10-ID - "Blue Pump"
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Object 10-ID: Pompa Biru (Blue Pump)
Class: Safe Found in settlement-themed levels, most commonly in Level 23-ID. Usage Restricted.

Object 9-ID Object 11-ID

Object 10-ID with its additional container tank.


The Object 10-ID (or commonly referred to as the Pompa Biru by the survivors) is a blue electric water pump that is not much different in appearance from the water pumps from Frontrooms. According to the specifications written on its body, this object has a power of 125 watts, weighs about 3 to 4 kilograms with a maximum suction power of 9 meters, and is specialized only for shallow wells making it suitable for use by survivor colonies. The Pompa Biru is capable of being used for a full 24 hours so this object can be used for various needs of the survivor colony. Due to its resemblance to a typical water pump, property testing must be done to distinguish the Pompa Biru from a regular water pump.


The Pompa Biru can be used like a normal pump to deliver water, but usually survivors will use the anomaly property of the Pompa Biru for certain purposes. The anomalous property of the Pompa Biru will activate if a survivor "requests an order" from the Pompa Biru by attaching a paper with the name of the "order" to any part of the object's body. The "order" can only be a liquid object and the object will convert the water sucked into it into what the survivor ordered. Therefore, the Pompa Biru is usually used to convert ordinary water into various types of drinks by survivors so the existence of this object quickly became popular in various survivor colonies.

The Pompa Biru is known to be able to convert plain water and Cashew Water into Almond Water and vice versa, this causes the Pompa Biru to become an object that quickly gains "must-have" status for a survivor colony and causes the Pompa Biru to become one of the expensive items in the Backrooms due to the high number of needs. The Pompa Biru is also capable of converting whatever it sucks up into other liquid objects such as fuel or even chemicals, causing many survivors to want this object for their own purposes.

The Pompa Biru is thought to give an "addictive effect" to whoever drinks from it, this report comes from Level 11-ID where some survivor colonies showed aggressiveness in using the object such as fighting each other and trying to monopolize the use of the object. However, this assumption was later rejected because this "addictive effect" did not appear in colonies from other levels that were also using the same object. Based on this information, new regulations were then implemented by each colony leader in the use of Pompa Biru, these regulations usually vary from colony to colony but there are similar regulations used such as not using objects for various things but will only be used for important purposes such as local celebrations. The "order" to be ordered will be determined after voting with all colony members, while the use for things outside of common needs will be severely restricted.


Originally found on Level 23-ID in large numbers as it was installed to every house in the level, the Pompa Biru quickly became the center of attention by many survivors once its properties were known and the demand for this object then increased dramatically and made the group of survivors who built a small exploration base within the level overwhelmed in accepting the number of survivors who continued to arrive at their level. The group then requested to the representatives of the colonies that came not to carry out massive extractions from within the level, after a long discussion the request was then fulfilled and slowly this object no longer became a targeted object. Now, outside of Level 23-ID, the Pompa Biru can be found on a sizable and fairly advanced survivor colony in the Backrooms.

Recent discoveries suggest that the Pompa Biru can also be found in some houses in residential-themed levels such as Level 10-ID, the Pompa Biru on Level 10-ID is quite hidden due to the dark conditions of the level or because its position is obstructed from view. This suggests the possibility that this object is actually widespread in Backrooms and not only found on Level 23-ID.

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