Background Color--pale-gray-monochromergb(242, 229, 189)
Light Accent Color--gray-monochromergb(166, 110, 75
Dark Accent Color--dark-gray-monochromergb(115, 80, 54)
Pale Accent Color--medium-accentrgb(191, 130, 94)
Link Calor--bright-accentrgb(99, 147, 166)

penilaian: 0+x

The Kalasan theme was created by GyessGyess based on a simple theme created by Marlin PaskalisMarlin Paskalis, which was first created for Level 10.1-ID and related articles. licensed under CC BY-SA 3.0, as well as the logo on the header of this theme created by Marlin PaskalisMarlin Paskalis.



This is the Image Block component.

A horizontal rule can be created with 5 hyphens "-----" and extends across the whole page if it's not placed inside anything (eg a blockquote). The lines separating sections of this document are horizontal rules.

Titles can be created by putting between one and six plus "+" at the start of the line

This is a tab view.

This is a blockquote, created by putting "> " at the start of each line.
More text

That's a horizontal rule

Nested blockquotes

This is a table
You should know how to make these

[[div class="darkblock"]]


[[div class="dark-styled-quote"]]


[[div class="lightblock"]]


[[div class="styled-quote"]]


To add a title which looks like a page title, use:

[[div class="meta-title"]]

Unless otherwise stated, the content of this page is licensed under Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 License